If she's not a gold digger, then what is a Future Black Card Wife? It's time to address.
The FBCW desires love and money. Not money for money’s sake (how useless!), but money for silk robes, European travel, birthday gifts for close friends and most importantly, sharing with those who need it more. There will always be the rich. The FBCW believes money should be in the hands of those who want to do good. She works hard to make it that way.
And then there’s love. A true FBCW desires love, not for love’s sake but for life’s sake. She realizes love is the breath of life, and with love comes forgiveness, freedom, joy and healing. Love of family. Love of friends. These are essential for the FBCW.
Now, what about significant others? And why do we define ourselves as future wives? Because we believe we will be. Perhaps the FBCW has been hurt, but with her strength, she’s learned to love again.
They say you can’t have everything, but what’s wrong with wanting it?